الثلاثاء، 25 يناير 2011

Baghdad: revealed secret documents published site "Wikileaks" and aired on "Al Jazeera" Friday the involvement of Iraqi Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki and the guard bull Iranian killings, torture systematically against Sunnis also pointed to cover the U.S. occupation forces for such crimes.

She noted that the military force of the owners launched an operation against the arrest of political opponents, but pointed out that Maliki's government was marked by sectarian nature, and was aimed at the liquidation of political opponents of NATO's Sunni followers.

Maliki has also in 2009 the arrest of five leaders of the Sunni saw it as a threat to his influence.

"Wikileaks" expose the massacres of the occupation numbers in Iraq
The documents proved the involvement of al-Maliki in the killing of a number of prominent political opponents, led by governor of Nineveh province because of problems with the Kurds, where the governor received a warning not to allow him to bypass the checkpoint-specific and will meet only to shoot him.

He issued instructions to the police "in an attempt to review the force," not to support the governor in his battle with the Kurds, and left alone to eliminate him especially since he was a Sunni.

Iran militia blood

Iranian owners to coordinate the liquidation of the year Records also reported that Iran had a militia obeys about them, especially in the province of Basra, noting that those most involved are the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's involvement with the Revolutionary Guards extensively in the smuggling of arms, especially the Corps of "Jerusalem".

The documents confirm that the southern border of Iraq and adjacent to Iran used in the smuggling of weapons were multiple, including guided missiles and cannons of the Air "RPG", missiles and high explosives.

The documents, referred to that there are several attempts to assassinate a number of Sunni leaders, was the most prominent of these attempts to enter a car bomb belonging to Iran from northern Iraq to kill Iyad Allawi, former Iraqi Prime Minister in 2006, which led to the overthrow of the Allawi and come by al-Maliki.

And highlights the documents that this process has been at the hands of Shi'ite militias received support from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, where he entered one of the characters and the highlights passport purporting to be mute so as not to reveal his tone Persian revealed Lima after the mastermind of the client assassinate Allawi.

She drew the secret documents leaked by a "and insiders to" the seriousness of the Iranian role in the liquidation of some of the Iraqis of the year, in addition to the role of Iran in the fighting between Shiite militias and U.S. forces in Iraq.

She noted that U.S. officials were aware of what is happening in Iraqi prisons, but they were ordering their soldiers, regardless party. Despite serious violations in the centers of Iraqi army and police.

The documents also for 1000 carried out by criminal elements of the police and the Iraqi army and in torture centers.

Where the use of torture and the most prominent of these processes and of torture with electricity on the genitals and on the chest, feet and face. Shelter in one month, 142 people were killed as a result of torture in Iraqi prisons.

The documents proved that the acts of torture, all made by the police and the Iraqi army, noting that the United States demanded the soldiers of condoning the torture carried out by Iraqis against Iraqis.

And saw Donald Rumsfeld, former defense minister under former U.S. President George W. Bush, the need for silence and reporting only the relevant Iraqi authorities.

The documents proved that there is a militia used by the private prisons to their advantage to commit acts of torture against Sunni Iraqis.

In the process of achieving more about the reality of U.S. secret prisons in Iraq, the U.S. soldiers to their superiors reveal communications from 145 for the torture suffered by Iraqi civilians at the hands of the Iraqi police.

She pointed out that Iraqi police arrested one of the Iraqis and tortured with beatings and electric, even death, then recorded the incident that the victim fell from a motorcycle while walking by, in addition to the death of an Iraqi detainee last due to torture photos show the suffering but that Washington did not move a muscle.

She drew the documents that the U.S. is a 2005 request from the military report on abuses in Iraqi police officers the right to their own people, but that you had no echo.

A U.S. general request to move to stop the torture, but Rumsfeld saw sufficiency reporting without interfering.
One of the documents revealed that the commander in the Mahdi Army death squads, said he was commissioned in 2006 to kill Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Crimes of "Blackwater"


Victims of U.S. bombing in Iraq Revealed confidential documents to the American company "Blackwater" have had the lion's share in the number of Iraqi victims who died under U.S. occupation.

The documents said that the company "Blackwater" has enjoyed the best contract protected from legal liability, and brings the greatest amount of money.
The documents proved that the staff of "Blackwater" killed 15 people in 2004, in addition to 4 others killed in their car, yet she was paid "Blackwater" more than $ 100 million per year.

The documents, referred to the occurrence of more than 14 incidents in 2005, during which ten persons were killed and wounded 270 others.

In 2005, the company "Blackwater" during an operation to kill an entire family, as the 2006 killing of an ambulance driver in addition to the victims, who were by car.

In 2007, the Iraqi government requested the departure of "Blackwater," but that the United States renewed its contract in 2008.

On the other hand, publish site "Wikileaks" that he had received a statement from the U.S. Department of Defense, "Pentagon" that leaked this information is subject to the Espionage Act, in reference to the possibility of prosecution of the organization on charges of espionage.

He called the Pentagon of "insiders" need to stop these documents, since the publication poses a threat to U.S. national security, when he said of a senior level in the Pentagon that the publication of these documents constitutes a danger to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and increase the hatred of Arab and Muslim peoples against the United States of America .

And claimed that most of these documents were fabricated and involve many facts are not true and that these documents have inflated this information to make a media fuss was connected to the American public and global.


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