الثلاثاء، 28 ديسمبر 2010

The United States has refused to cooperate with Dubai Police in the case of the assassination of hoarse

Revealed U.S. documents and published a new site "Wikileaks" on Tuesday, December 28 / December, the United States has refused to cooperate with the UAE police in the investigation of the assassination of Mahmoud al-leader of Hamas, the emirate of Dubai last January.
Dubai Police has accused the Israeli Mossad of being behind the assassination of husky, who arrived in Dubai on a secret mission under a false name and was found dead in rented room in a luxury hotel.
Washington denies the former receiving a request for assistance from the UAE authorities on the issue of hoarse, but the diplomatic cables publishing "Wikileaks" revealed that the UAE officials of high-level went to the American ambassador in the UAE and the Minister of State Hillary Clinton's request for information about the holders of credit cards issued by U.S. banks used by the killers hoarse. But the U.S. Administration does not agree to this request.
It should be noted that the Dubai police conducting the investigation into the killing of hoarse, revealed a group of people carrying passports of British and Irish, French, German and Australian forged, and arrived in Dubai from different cities and watched as hoarse and organized his life and left the emirate on the same day. The police realized that people who have, in fact, the names used by the killers, they have no relationship to the case. Therefore, the only way for the investigation to uncover the names of the holders of credit cards that have been through which the transfer of funds to finance the assassination.
Two U.S. Brgitan included details on the request of United Arab Emirates information about money transfers have been used with 3 credit cards issued by a bank in the United States by 3 clients Dubai says they were among a team that included 27 people carried out the assassination of hoarse.
According to the text one of the telegrams sent by the U.S. embassy in the United Arab Emirates to the State Department in Washington, said, "The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the UAE Anwar Gargash officially asked the U.S. ambassador to help provide the United Arab Emirates with details concerning the information on credit cards is believed that the U.S. banks issued for several suspects in the assassination hoarse.
And was included credit card numbers in the cable with a request for assistance quickly and providing information to the UAE government that you want to be "urgently" to obtain details about the cards.
The second cable revealed that the UAE authorities, which have not been announced for the assassination of hoarse, but after 9 days to find his body, was studying the possibility of failure to declare the assassination. She summarized the telegram which was sent to Washington on January 31 last from the U.S. embassy in Dubai and signed by Ambassador Richard Olson, news coverage of local and international incident of the assassination, and indicated to the meeting happened by chance between the U.S. ambassador and media adviser to Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, during social event took place in the story of the assassination explode in the media.
He drew Olsen the attention of media adviser to the assassination, and after that, the last to hold several contacts and "returned to reach the ambassador that the general position of the UAE is being discussed between the Ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed Bin Zayed. The options being discussed is that is not to say something good, or disclosure in whole or in part from the full range of investigations into the United Arab Emirates. "
The Wire writer commented on the situation of the UAE's assassination, saying "Do not say anything can be interpreted in the Arab world that the UAE to protect the Israelis, and ultimately, therefore, United Arab Emirates has chosen to reveal everything."

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